

How to Program Cortex M under GNU/Linux Arch

Published on 2016-04-14 in ARM, Linux

You may serach out all sites but there isn’t any adequate context in this subject. ARM family is a new platform that it’s compiler and other toolchains also matured recently so unfortunately there isn’t much quick start guide available out there. Here, I try to fill this gap and give you a hint about how to begin developing your fresh ARM-based board under GNU/Linux. Throughout this tutorial I work out with STM32F4 Discovery development board and Arch Linux distribution. If your board or your distribution is different don’t worry, with a little efforts all steps can be applied into your case.

Required tools:

sudo pacman -S arm-non-eabi-gcc

After installing toolchains you need to download CMSIS library for your microcontroller. CMSIS is a vendor based library, written to interface CPU and peripherals control register in a delicate manner. In our case, ST Microelectronic CMSIS library known as STMCube F4, can be downloaded from STMicroelectronics webpage.

Each stm32 device carry out with a two user manual so-called Programming Manual and Reference Manual. Reference Manual address to each peripheral registers and unit description. On the other hand Programming Manual show how to employ interrupt and hook up booting process. Both these manuals are essential in programming ARM microcontroller so ensure to have them before you start.

Unfortunately for the time being I’m busy to write down full guide on programming Arm Coretex M. so if you are in hurry to get things to work you can checkout our git repository for a clean and simple blink LED project. please keep in mind that follow all above steps and check ReadMe folder in the repository befor jump into the final stage.
